jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The achiles heel

Success, is when you determined your goal and we want to get there and being proud of yourself for being successful, but, How can we have success in our life? Well to succeed  we need to have perseverance, we need to have clear what is our goal, where do we want to go, but if something goes wrong we need to think positively, never giving up in every obstacle, because though you may not succeed you will still try. So if you want to succeed in your life you have to overcome what would come.

Having a goal is being courageous in store for knowing where do you want to go, is inspiration because with this, you can be more excited about your objective. You need to think about the limitations that would come, and if someone didn't believe in you, when you get what you want, you would proof to that person that you can do it, so don't be distracted with the people that are judging you. Something very important that you need is to believe in yourself, because if you don't it you wouldn't try your best.

For this topic we saw a movie in class called Simon Birch, it was about a kid that was born with a physical condition and he had to face many obstacles in his life. It was very interesting, because his life wasn't the best, first of all because their parrents didn't care about him, I mean they don't care about where he was, or with who or things like that, because parents should know where their children are. If i had a son/daughter like him i would care about he/she because is my duty as a mother.

The video i will show you  below is about success.


I found a phrase that says SUCCESS means:

See your goal

Understand the obstacles

Create positive mental picture

Clear your mind of self doubts

Embrace the challenge

Stay on track

Show the wolrd you can do it

Gerunds and Infinitives:

Gerunds: To form the gerund add -ing to the base form of the verb.
Some uses: Use the gerund as the subject of a sentence.
Use the gerund after a preposition, such as for, in, of, and about.

Infinitives: To form the infinitive use to and the base form of the verb.
Some uses: Use the infinitive after a be + adjective combination such as essay, difficult, hard, happy, possible, willing, and prepared.
Use the infinitive after certain verbs, includding agree, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, need, try, and want. 


 Fell down suddenly.
Crushed: Pressed something so hard it broke.
Crutches: Special sticks used under the arms to help a person walk.
Landscape: A view across an area of land
Revelation: Insight; sudden realization
Scars: Marks left on skin from a cut or wound
Soared: Flew very high or fast
Challenging: Calling for full use of one's abilities or resources in a difficult but stimulating effort.
Recognition: The act of recognizing or condition of being recognized.
Empowerment: To invest with power, especially legal power or official authority.

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