Why we give to others?
Relative Pronouns in adjective clauses
Helping a brother in need is being solidarity with someone either feeding him, give him a bag of food or clothing. In Costa Rica there should be campaigns to help the needy at Christmas as there is in the United States. It's not their fault living on the street and asking for a little help, that is their lifestyle and we should not
be bad with them.
In Costa Rica the homeless deserve better lifestyle How? Help from us whether if they touch our front door we should give them biscuits or rice or clothes, anything but they do not leave empty handed. We can be kind to them if they come to interrupt us when we're walking down the street and buy them something to eat Why not? If we have time, sit and talk with them, they could need something.
My mom taught me to be charitable to people who have nothing to eat, where to live or sleep, when I clean my room there are things settled away to the needy, I always liked to help them because they were always very grateful. A youth group goes every Friday night to give sandwiches to the homeless along with soft drink, whenever we where to one of them always show a smile and tell us how or why they are there, the experience is very nice their stories are very interesting. Many times we can be very rude to people living on the streets but they are people too and we do not be scare despite their appearance they are good people.
Relative Pronouns in adjective clauses
Adjective clauses: Are used to identify or add information about nouns. Usually, the adjective clause directly follows the noun it refers to. These clauses are introduced by a relative pronoun, such as who, that, which, whose, where, or when.
An identifying adjective clause, gives essential information about the noun it refers to. No commas surround the identifying adjective clause. It is set off in a written sentence by comma.
A non- identifying adjective clause: Gives extra information about the noun it refers to. It is set off in the sentence by commas.
Pronunciation note: In speaking people often pause and lower their tone of voice to say the words in the non-identifying relative clause.
Example: Sting is the person who helped establish the Rainforest Foundation.
- The Rainforest foundation, who was founded in 1989, is working to protect forests arround the world.
Cause: A principle or aim that a group of people support or fight for.
Morality: Related to principles of what is right and wrong.
Anonymity: Doing something without letting anyone know your name.
Motivation: Very eager to do or achieve something.
Donation: A gift.
Donation: A gift.
Contribute: To give money, help, or ideas.
Inheritance: To receive something from someone who has died.
Passion: A strongly felt emotion.
Passion: A strongly felt emotion.
Mandatory: Smething that is required or that must be done.
Generosity: An attitude or behavior of giving things to others, or of helping others.
Fundraiser: A person or event whose purpose is to collect money for charity.
Appeal: Requests, often for money or help.
Catastrophe: A complete failure.
Charity: Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.
Wealth: An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.
Benefactor: One that gives aid, specially financial aid.
Freelance: A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them.
Rewarding: Offering or likely to offer satisfaction or gratification.

Catastrophe: A complete failure.
Charity: Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.
Wealth: An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.
Benefactor: One that gives aid, specially financial aid.
Freelance: A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them.
Rewarding: Offering or likely to offer satisfaction or gratification.
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